Divorce City 911

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(661) 868-9606
400 Truxtun Ave #203, Bakersfield, CA 93301

All Major Credit Cards Accepted


LDA Licensed & Bonded in Kern County

Separation Service — Patti Johnson in Fresno, CA
Divorce City 911 is a legal document preparation service specializing in family law, locally owned and operated by Patti Johnson.

Patti is a native of Bakersfield and a pioneer in the legal self-help industry.
Originally, she established Associated Divorce Services setting a precedent for other self-help centers to evolve. She has a legal background working with attorneys that spans more than 12 years.

Legal Document Preparation

Divorce City 911 specializes in the preparation and process of court documents in uncontested family law matters without the high cost of hiring an attorney. As a document preparation service, we do not give legal advice. We know that divorce can be a time of high anxiety and stress. However, if you and your spouse can come to an equitable agreement about your property, debts, custody, visitation and support issues, we can help. We have the knowledge and expertise to complete your documents properly, including preparing your Marital Settlement Agreement, pursuant to your instructions and save you valuable time and money. We also offer modification orders for family support and visitation in the event your circumstances change in the future.

About Paralegals and Legal Document Assistants

Legal Document Assistants (LDAs) provide professional self-help services at your specific direction. Formerly called "Independent Paralegals", an LDA can help members of the public who want to pursue a legal remedy on their own.

In January 2002, a new law became effective whereby all independent paralegals are now known as Legal Document Assistants. A Legal Document Assistant is a highly trained, knowledgeable professional who is able to help you represent yourself for most of your needs.

A paralegal does not provide services to the public. They only work under the direct supervision of an attorney.

About Mediation

Often there are issues that may be difficult to resolve without assistance, and mediation is a great way to avoid ever having to appear in court, having someone else making decisions for you, your family and your financial future.

Mediation is the best resolution for both parties, and is a cooperative means of dispute resolution involving professional assistance.

Mediators do not represent a person individually, but rather act on behalf of the couple to achieve their goals.

Mediation is an affordable way of settling problems and will always be less expensive than litigation

Avoid Countless Trips To The Courthouse 

Why spend numerous hours trying to decipher the many court documents required by the court not to mention spending even more time going to the courthouse, standing in long lines and security checks only to have your documents rejected because they are not completed correctly. 

We are a full-service, self-help center and will prepare, file and arrange for your spouse to be served with the papers from start to finish. Avoid paying expensive legal fees. You make the decisions, we do the work! 
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